Johnny Myers: American Hero - Test Pilot, Aviator, Attorney
A few months ago I was contacted by a Writer-Director, Robert Dal Collette, who told me about an exciting project about fighter pilots, jet test pilots, and legendary pioneers of aviation. It was called the "Legends of Aviation" tribute to be held in January in Beverly Hills. Sort of like the Academy Awards for Aviators. Robert explained that we would be creating about nine short biographical videos for the recipients of this years awards. I became very excited about this project, because creating video biographies are my favorite thing in the world.
The first of the nine projects was to be a tribute film about the recently iconic aviation test pilot Johnny Myers. I had never heard of Johnny Myers, but every pilot I asked, surely knew of him. He was a great mentor to so many people. He once was a very successful lawyer for famous movie stars like Bing Crosby, but he gave up his lawyer life so he could pursue his love for flying.
Johnny Myers became the top test pilot at Northrup, courageously testing several of the top secret jets over many years. He is very famous for his role in testing and developing the first night fighter plane, the Black Widow P-61.
His nickname was "Maestro."
Charles Lindbergh credited Johnny Myers for saving his life once down in New Guinea.
Johnny Myers had passed away last year so we couldn't interview him, so I was fortunate to interview two of his grandchildren, veteran pilots Bob Hoover, Clay Lacy, Bill Anders, Tony Bill, Linden Blue, Barron Hilton, and several other pilots who all knew his story.
The tribute dinner is coming up this January 22nd at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. I hope everyone likes our video biography.
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